The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the IAFCI 2023 Annual Training
2-Day Training Seminar
Monday, October 16, 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
LOCATION: Great Wolf Lodge
549 East Rochambeau Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23188
HOTEL COST: $114 per night
$200. for Members & Law Enforcement
$250. for Non-Members
Registration includes breakfast buffet and lunch buffet.
This event will be a comprehensive 2-day training seminar that will focus on various financial fraud schemes impacting law enforcement and private industry. Leading experts in the industry will be presenting valuable training in the areas of fraud investigations, prevention, mitigation and current fraud trends affecting the United States.
Topics include: Health Care, Unemployment, SBA & Insurance Fraud, Understanding Cryptocurrency, BSA/AML updates, Organized Retail Theft & Case Preparation, Ethics in Investigations, and case studies involving large scale vehicle purchase fraud, identity theft and elder fraud.
The training is open to all law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and investigators from the private arena who investigate financial fraud. This is a must attend event if you are tasked with investigating financial crimes!
Credits apply CPE, CFCI, and CCCI, LE credit will be provided where applicable.
Registration includes breakfast buffet and lunch buffet
Registration Fees Does Not Include Hotel Accommodations:
$200 IAFCI Members & Law Enforcement
$250 Non-Member
Law Enforcement agencies whose annual training budgets have been exhausted for the fiscal year can register and delay payment until October 30, 2023. You MUST talk to Brandon Mengedoht at 240-832-8318 in advance to confirm if you need to do this.